Vectorscope Vst Free

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These days, most DAWs come with a host of built-in free VST plugins. These are generally designed to give you a good set of starting tools to make the most of your DAW. However, most DAW designers are very good at building DAWs and not as good at building VSTs. Whilst there are always a few stand out tools that every DAW user couldn’t live without, it’s quite common to find a large array of third-party plugins in professional studios. I know myself that over 95% of the plugins I use on a regular basis are third-party.Now I’m sure you’re thinking that it’s all good and well having third-party VSTs if you’ve got the money. This is where I step in. Today we’re going to take a look at 13 free VST plugins for windows that give the high-end gear a serious run for their money.

Free VST Reverbs

First off, let’s take a look at reverbs. This is probably one of the most abundant freeware plugin types on the market. However, there are some real duds out there. I’ve got two great bits of kit here that will really help bring some depth to your mixes.

epicVerb by Variety of Sound

The first of these is epicVerb. Designed for maximum flexibility, this algorithmic reverb does it all. From small, ambient spaces to luscious halls, you’ve got full control. With a built-in EQ and modulation controls, there aren’t many spaces you can’t recreate with this thing.

RoomMachine 844 by Silverspike

Another interesting reverb plugin is RoomMachine 844. This plugin appears to be modeled on a convolution premise in that it is designed to simulate speakers and microphones in a real space. However, as they are digital, we can assume it is still using algorithms to do the calculations and not impulse responses. However, it still has a unique premise. You are able to use the positions section to place to virtual loudspeakers and then dictate their stereo width and distance from the microphones. This lets you simulate real spaces that suit what you are trying to achieve. The controls are simple and you certainly won’t get as many unique tones out of this one but it’s still a fantastic free VST.

Time for Some EQ

There are a variety of different EQs types out there and every DAW comes with at least. This is typically a standard parametric EQ with fairly limited capabilities. As such, I can imagine that you might be wanting of a few more choices when using EQ.

Luftikus by IJKB

Some of my favourite EQs to work on are also some of the simplest ones you can get. I’ve always loved mixing with hardware EQ and really using my ears to sculpt the tone of my signals. As such, fixed band EQs whilst limiting, give me fantastic results. Unlike parametric EQs, you have to work with the fixed bands and as such, be far more careful with your choices. Using your ears, you make minor adjustments and keep things musical, not clinical.Now, unfortunately, these types of EQs usually come at a cost. They are typically emulations of famous hardware and as such, yield similar prices. I’m talking about things like APIs and Pultecs. That was until I came across Luftikus.This multi-band fixed EQ comes with four half octave bells, one half octave high shelf and another high shelf with adjustable fixed frequency points. It’s generally very gentle and you will have to really crank the knobs to get it to do much. However, this is kind of what makes it great. It’s one of those tools that’s handy when you’re trying to be subtle, especially with subtractive EQ. Bus EQing and master channel EQing come to mind here.It also has three switches built into the bottom. One enables ‘mastering’ mode. This changes the EQ knobs from being adjustable by 0.1dB to being adjustable by 1dB. This means that each step on the knob will have a significantly more noticeable effect as it jumps. Very handy for final adjustments and mastering. We’ve also got an ‘analogue’ switch to emulate an analogue sound. Finally, there is a ‘keep gain’ switch designed to adjust the overall level of the signal as you make changes. This is really handy when you need to A/B the plugin.

Electri-Q (posihfopit edition) by Aixcoustic Creations

Now, if you’re more in the market for control over your EQ, you might like what I have next. Electri-Q (posihfopit edition)is a powerful, low phase parametric EQ with the capability to handle up to 64 bands. It also comes with a variety of filter types and the ability to switch between clean digital EQ and transformer modeled analogue EQ that’s a touch more colourful.Whilst most DAWS typically offer their own parametric EQ, this offers you a little bit more. With it’s added controls, expanded band allowance, and low phase calculations, it becomes a powerful tool for mixing and mastering. It’s not the prettiest of things to look at but then who really cares?

The Best Free Compressor VSTs

Compression is always a tricky one for beginners. Just like with EQ, most DAWs only come with one standard compressor that often has a one glove fits all approach. For anyone who understands compression, you’ll know that no single compressor is perfect for everything. Below are a couple of really great tools that I guarantee will operate far better than any built-in DAW compressor.

MJUC JR by Klanghelm

In a previous article, I addressed the different circuit types that you can typically find in compressors. One of the lesser knowns of these is the Vari-Mu. Often used in mastering, Vari-Mu (or variable-gain) is a tube based compression type. The original design is owned and trademarked by Manley and costs so much, you’d need to remortgage your studio. However, there are plenty of software alternatives out there. Obviously, these don’t use tubes so you’re not going to get that true vari-mu sound. However, the concept for the compression type holds true and there are even free versions on the market.The MJUC JR by Klanghelm is a great example of this. It has a simple and straightforward design just like a vari-mu should. We get one knob for the amount of compression and another for makeup gain. We also have a control for the recovery time and slew rate giving us control over different content types. Stacked up against the Waves Puigchild this thing performs pretty well. It works great as a glue compressor, however, I find it a little over aggressive for the circuit type.

Molot by vladg/sound

Another great compression plugin to have to hand is Molot. On the surface, this looks like a fairly typical optical compressor. However, once you chuck onto a channel it really comes into its own. This thing is far from transparent and offers a staggering amount of power. You’ve got the addition of a high-pass filter as well a limiter, mid scoop bell EQ, and multiple stereo image modes. For me, this is reminiscent of the Fairchild in its design but more like an 1176 in its sound. It’s something you’ll probably have to learn to use and then only implement when you know you need it. But when you need it, it’ll work wonders!Having a variety of compressors in your arsenal is imperative. Knowing how and when to use them is even more important still. Many DAWs come with one stock ‘one glove fits all’ compressor which is really no help. Grab these great free VST plugins to make sure you’ve got choices in your tool belt.

Moving on to Mastering Tools

Besides the typical things such as EQ and compression, mastering tends to deal with the subject of width and loudness. Here a few freebies that can help get your tracks into that commercial realm without costing you a penny.

YouLean Loudness Meter

Being able to measure loudness and dynamic range accurately is one of the most important things a mastering engineer has to do. You can easily pay hundreds on histogram tools with fully customizable features. Or, you can grab the Youlean Loudness Meterfor absolutely nothing.A truly marvellous tool that does everything that you need a LUFS loudness meter to do. Easy to understand short-term and integrated loudness metering with a dynamic range readout and a true peak detector. It also provides measurements in mono and stereo and has a detailed and adjustable histogram. Seriously, you couldn’t ask for much more out of something like this, especially when it’s completely free.If you don’t already have some form of loudness metering software, this is a great place to start. I routinely chuck this on my master channel even when I’m doing production or mixing work. It’s a really easy way to make sure you’re not clipping and a fabulous tool for identifying dynamic contrast in your work. Equally, it’s very handy when it comes to examining reference tracks. If you’re one for commercial loudness and being competitive in the market, this plugin is going to set your mind at ease in a heartbeat.

TT Dynamic Range Meter

Another great little tool to grab is the TT Dynamic Range Meter. Far simpler than the loudness meter above but it does a great job at measuring dynamic range and peak levels. For a low CPU quick mix checker, it’s definitely worth having. Especially before sending your material off for mastering.

Ozone Imager by Izotope

Another notable mention for freebies is the Ozone Imager. A slightly simpler version of the one that comes with the paid suite, this little gem is a great mastering tool for stereo width. It’s not something that I’m a huge advocate of because of the phase issues that these things can cause. However, used subtly for a little bit of separation, it can yield great results. It has a beautiful, simple design with a fader for width and another for the amount of stereoization. The vectorscope is a lovely thing to watch and really easily helps to show you exactly what’s going on under the hood. Grab this while it’s going free and get to work on widening your mixes. Just remember to check the mono mix afterward!

A Great Set of Free VST Plugins for Beginners

Now this tenth plugin is a little more than just a single tool. As I mentioned early on, many DAWs come with plenty of built-in tools. However, sometimes they are a little lacking or you’re simply missing a few of the essentials. If this sounds like the problem you’re having, I suggest you check out Dead Duck Software.With a plain but appealing GUI, Dead Duck provides 24 free VST plugins for all your production and mixing needs. From a full channel strip to a ring modulator, this plugin bundle encompasses a really great set of tools. You’ve probably got alternatives for a lot of them already but where you don’t, they make a really strong addition. The simple design makes them great for beginners and they won’t let you down in what they can do.Even if you’re thinking that you’ve got all the basic tools already, there is one real stand out here. The Utility plugin. This is something that lives on my master bus by default nowadays. Being able to quickly flick between your stereo, mono, and mid/side mix is super helpful. Also, it’s great for checking out the separate sides of your mix independently as well as their phase. Do yourself a favour and have a play around with some of these. I’m certain you’ll find something worth keeping in your toolbox.

A Few Additional Mentions in the Free VST World

Amongst the typical tools listed above, there are also a variety of specialist tools that can come in handy in certain situations. The ones I’ve sourced below for you are particularly useful because they aren’t commonly available in the typical DAW.

Vinyl by Izotope

The first of these is a plugin by the name of Vinyl. Known as “The Ultimate Lo-fi Weapon”, Vinyl is a multi-parameter plugin designed to simulate the grit and noise of old analogue formats. This is one of those plugins that you can strap onto your master channel and use to dial in a bit of noise and ambience. It’s designed to give your tracks a little bit of character and edge. Now, this won’t be for everyone. I know plenty of people love a clean, modern sound and are thankful that gear has moved on from the noisy old bits of kit we had to use before. However, if you’re all about a bit of retro and lo-fidelity, then you are going to love this free plugin.You’ve got controls for mechanical noise, electrical noise, dust, scratch, and warp. Not only this but you can dial in the amounts of each that you want as well as adjusting the whole plugin to replicate a different part of history. From the 1930’s to the 2000’s, Vinyl is capable of emulating an incredibly authentic sound for any genre at its high point. This is going to be especially great for those of you looking to get a really gritty 90s sound.

Vectorscope Vst Free Plugins

Bark of Dog by Boz Digital Labs

One of the most common things I find I have to do when mixing and mastering my client’s works is dealing with the low end. I’m often met with comments like “the tracking went well but we couldn’t get much low end from the kick“. Learning to position microphones and get the sound you want is a skill in itself. As much as it’s good to get it right at the time, some things can be improved in the mixing stage. Enter bass enhancement plugins.As a big fan of Waves, I’ve always opted for using things like Renaissance bass for my low-end reinforcement. However, I was recently let on to a free VST plugin by the name of Bark of Dogthat does the exact same thing that my Waves plugin can do. Naturally, I was curious to see whether a free plugin could keep up with the likes of Waves.Whilst the GUI isn’t as pleasing to the eye, the plugins actually have an almost identical setup. Frequency selection, input gain, and output gain. Where the Bark of Dog plugin has an edge is that it also allows you to control the wet/dry mix of the plugin. I see this as fairly redundant as I typically just dial in the amount of gain that I want. If I need less, I’ll dial less in as opposed to varying the wet/dry. However, it’s still an extra tool that Waves doesn’t provide.In use, these plugins perform at an exceptionally parallel level. There are very minute tonal differences between the two but I found that the Waves plugin was slightly better at dealing with sonically dense tracks. However, for a free plugin, Bark of Dog is 100% worth downloading if you’re working on a budget. Try it out on full mixes and on individual channels and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what it can do.

CamelCrusher by Camelaudio

For those of us mixing in the box, distortion and saturation plugins have always been a tricky one. If you’re lucky enough to have some decent outboard then you’re probably alright. Unfortunately, those of us working in the digital realm haven’t got as many options. This is even truer when it comes to free VST plugins. However, there is one that’s always served me well in a pinch. CamelCrusher not only offers fantastic distortion tones but it comes with a handy filter and compressor section to help you sculpt the results.Offering tube distortion as well as mechanical distortion, CamelCrusher gives you multiple tone options for no money. The low pass filter isn’t anything special. It’s another great way to control your distortion without the need for further plugins. Again, the compressor is pretty simple and applies some soft-limiting to smooth out dynamic range. The phat mode button essentially applies smoother results. I find that it seems to almost always work better when turned on. I wouldn’t use this compressor as a first choice but it’s a handy little tool for smoothing out the effects of the distortion if it’s a bit too aggressive.


There is a multitude of free VST plugins out there that really are worth having. More so than that, some of them can honestly compete with the big names like Waves and Slate. This list doesn’t encompass everything out there but it’s a good place to start. To summarise we’ve got: epicVerb and RoomMachine844 reverbs; Lufitkus fixed EQ and Electri-Q low phase parametric EQ; Klanghelms MJUC JR vari-mu compressor and vladgs Molot; The Youlean Loudness Meter, TT Dynamic Range meter, and Izotopes Ozone Imager; the entire DeadDuck VST package; and Izotope Vinyl, Bark of Dog, and CamelCrusher. So, what are you waiting for? Go get downloading and start to have a play around!PreviousStereo Microphone Techniques: 5 Ways to Record in Stereo
NextWhat is a De-esser? De-essing Your Vocals

A good spectrum analyzer plug-in is essential for letting you know what is going on with your audio.

Even if you have a good monitoring system in your studio, a spectrum analyzer will help you identify potential problem areas in your mix.

Here, we run down some of the best spectrum analyzer VSTs available, giving you a range of potentially useful options.

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Top 7 Spectrum Analyzer VST Plugins

1. iZotope Insight

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iZotope’s aptly-named Insight gives you a broad overview of the spectral content of your audio while giving you the ability to get as detailed as you wish. It comes with plenty metering options to choose from, that can be customized as you fit, enabling you to use it for any type of session. Whether you simply want to check the spectral balance of your mix or you want to tweak the loudness or intelligibility of specific tracks.

Specs and useful features

Insight lets you visualize audio streams in ways that probably only a few spectrum analyzer plugins can. Unlike other plug-ins that force you into a specific way of working, Insight lets you customize the user interface according to your preferences or the demands of the session.

With Insight, you can choose to display only the meters that you need for any given situation. The interface is resizable as well, so you can keep it fairly compact when your screen gets too crowded. If you want to have visual access to more information, you could simply maximize the interface to occupy the full screen.

Of course, you have a great degree of control over viewing the display as well. You can adjust partition sizes however you want, and each meter even comes with dedicated display settings.

User impressions

“Comprehensive” is one word that is commonly used to describe Insight. It gives users the flexibility to view data however they wish, with zooming, scaling, and even freezing options provided.

The option to choose between 2D and 3D spectrogram displays scored points among many users as well. For users that need the ability to change viewing modes for different projects, Insight stands apart from most other spectrum analyzer plug-ins.


iZotope’s Insight could very well handle all your spectrum analysis needs and then some. If flexibility and accuracy are your primary concerns–as they should be when shopping for a spectrum analyzer–you can’t go wrong with Insight.

2. NuGen Visualizer

Free Vectorscope Vst

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NuGen’s Visualizer may not be a household name in the world of spectrum analyzer plug-ins, but that in no way indicates any shortcomings on its part. Just as capable as its more popular counterparts, it provides feature-packed tools for analyzing audio and enhancing workflow. Furthermore, Visualizer helps you recreate optimal mix settings and avoid frequently-repeated errors.

Specs and useful features

Visualizer provides a single-screen interface for viewing the frequency content of the audio material. The interface can be resized freely, taking up very little screen space or providing a comprehensive overview as needed. There are also many options to customize the display, and you could switch to any of several views simply by clicking a button.

But it’s what you can do within those views that matter the most. Visualizer has a useful comparison mode that let you view frequency content and other information from two audio channels in a few different ways. You have the option to view both audio tracks overlaid on top of each other, side-by-side, or in a differential display.

Other features–such as the stereo spectrogram, vectorscope, stereo bias meter, and peak hold control–give you a range of options by which to analyze your audio. You can even view frequencies by how they correlate to each other, making it easy for you to identify potential frequency overlaps.

User impressions

Users of Visualizer have found numerous applications for the plug-in, particularly during the mixdown and mastering stages of production. One common application is the examination of the differences that a mastering chain imparts on a mix. The plug-in makes it possible to identify frequency clashes quickly, and the ability to customize the display makes audio analysis both easy and efficient.


NuGen Visualizer is a powerful and attractive-looking spectrum analyzer plug-in that can handle a multitude of audio-related tasks. It is a good deal more expensive than other plug-ins in its category, but the extra cost is justifiable given its versatility and range of features.

3. MeldaProduction MMultiAnalyzer

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MeldaProduction is known for its high-value plug-ins that provide professional features at a reasonable price point. MMultiAnalyzer upholds the company’s reputation admirably, with a host of features that make it possible to analyze audio and deal with any issues easily and accurately.

With a selection of audio analysis and enhancement features, MMultiAnalyzer enables you to analyze multiple tracks simultaneously. Simply patch in an instance of the plug-in in each track that you want to analyze, and they will detect each other automatically. All data will then be available to all instances of the plug-in.

Specs and useful features

MMultiAnalyzer is more than just a spectrum analyzer plug-in. It also has a built-in sonogram, and collision detection, loudness comparison, and stereo analysis features. Even with all these features, the plug-in never gets too complicated to use. Whether you use it as a multi-track sonogram, a collision detector, or a stereo analyzer, the MMultiAnalyzer workflow is fast and intuitive.

MMultiAnalyzer also comes with features that make it easy to identify specific frequencies. These include normalization, super-resolution, and de-harmonization features, all of which help you pinpoint problem areas in your audio.

User impressions

Like all MeldaProduction’s plug-ins, MMultiAnalyzer is customizable to a remarkable degree. The interface is freely resizable, and users have the option to display the controls as knobs, buttons, or sliders. Even with all the impressive technical features onboard, the plug-in’s customizability is what stands out the most among many users.

Of course, the aforementioned technical features are the main draw for professional users and serious hobbyists. The ‘smart’ metering is one of the most advanced of its kind, giving users the option to display frequency measurements in a variety of graphs and meters.


MMultiAnalyzer is one of the most versatile spectrum analyzer plug-ins around. It is absolutely flawless in terms of accuracy, and the degree to which you could customize the interface is a definite plus. Even with so many capable spectrum analyzer plug-ins available, this one stands apart from the rest.

4. Blue Cat Audio Analysis Pack

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Blue Cat’s Audio Analysis Pack gives you pretty much everything you need to analyze and measure the frequency content of audio in one convenient package. The pack contains a dazzling array of useful plug-ins, all of which are available individually as well. Among these are two frequency analysis plug-ins, both of which provide performance equal to that of dedicated spectrum analyzers. Furthermore, these plug-ins let you can control other plug-ins–and even MIDI instruments–with the resulting measurements.

Specs and useful features

Because this is a review of spectrum analyzer plug-ins, we will focus on those specific types of plug-ins in the pack.

First up is FreqAnalyst Multi, which provides a variety of spectrum analysis features for multiple tracks. Ideally-suited for mixing and mastering, it provides a detailed view of the frequency and time of several tracks simultaneously, all from a single screen. A useful and versatile mixing tool, it will also find plenty of use as a frequency overlap detector.

The second smartphone plug-in is FreqAnalyst Pro, which adds automation generation capabilities and a 3D viewer to the standard set of spectrum analysis features. Offering much of the same functionality as the free FreqAnalyst plug-in, it provides an extremely smooth and high-resolution view of frequency as well as time.

User impressions

/pedal-steel-vst-plugin.html. The individual plug-ins in the Audio Analysis Pack come with an impressive wealth of features that provide tremendous value. Most users seem sufficiently impressed with the amount of information provided, with the automation and MIDI capabilities simply being the icing on the cake. For many, the clever implementation of CC/automation generation features makes these tools so much more versatile than most standard spectrum analyzer plug-ins.


The overall value provided by the Audio Analysis Pack is pretty impressive. Even if you opt to purchase just the individual spectrum analyzer plug-ins, expect to get plenty of bang for the buck.

5. Photosounder Spiral

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To describe Photosounder’s Spiral as a music analysis plug-in would be accurate–but it does underplay its capabilities a bit. Spiral certainly does a great job of revealing the frequency content of music, but its fresh and innovative approach to audio analysis places it so far ahead of other plug-ins that it is almost in an entirely different category.

Frequencies are displayed in a spiral (no surprise there), with a chromatic band encircling it. It is a simple enough concept to be sure, but the ability to see what is going on in your music quickly and intuitively is noteworthy. Spiral also provides many other features that give you a more detailed and informative view of your audio.

Specs and useful features

In the Spiral display, individual instruments have specific colors that represent their unique positions in the stereo mix. The plug-in also makes it possible to capture or record bits of audio into memory and play it back at slower speeds. This feature is helpful for identifying individual notes or deciphering chords.

You can even adjust the resolution at which stored audio plays back. You can lower the resolution for more precise time measurement for instance, or increase it when you need to analyze low-frequency instruments or complex chords.

User impressions

Users found Spiral to be as useful as an audio analysis tool as a musical aid. The bright colors and stereo separation make it possible to identify tones and notes quickly and accurately.

As a learning tool, Spiral is pretty much incomparable in the world of spectrum analyzer plug-ins. Its ability to highlight specific sections of the audio, capture it, and play it back at slower speeds are features that simply don’t exist in any other spectrum analyzer plug-in.


Spiral probably isn’t the best choice for analyzing audio for mixing or mastering purposes. More a musical aid than a frequency analysis tool, it should nevertheless find a welcome place in your plug-in collection.

6. 2nd Sense Audio Mixing Analyzer

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2nd Sense’s Audio Mixing Analyzer hides an impressive wealth of features in a simple and modernistic interface. Like the best spectrum analyzer plug-ins, it allows the real-time monitoring of multiple tracks of audio, with the data viewable from a single window. It also identifies instances where frequencies collide and mask each other. Whether you need to pinpoint problem frequencies in specific audio tracks or simply want to check your level balances, Audio Mixing Analyzer could be a useful tool.

Specs and useful features

Like other spectrum analyzer plug-ins that allow for the monitoring of multiple audio streams, Audio Mixing Analyzer is meant to be loaded onto each track to be analyzed. All tracks will then be visible on any instance of the plug-in, each in a different color. You can also label each track as you see fit.

A vertical line will pop up on the display if any frequencies clash or overlap. You can then instantly see where two or more parts are occupying the same frequency range. An included threshold knob lets you control how frequencies clashes are displayed, with shorter instances showing up as more pronounced movements of the indicator line.

A scrolling display below the spectrum display provides real-time information on the clashing frequencies, as well as the measure and beat position where they occur. There are also illuminating blocks to the left that indicate the presence of tracks with conflicting frequency content.

User impressions

Audio Mixing Analyzer may be fairly simple, but users seem satisfied at the amount of information provided. By presenting data as text as well as visual form, users can identify frequency clashes easily, and quickly determine what steps to take to remedy potential issues.


Audio Mixing Analyzer isn’t the most fully-featured spectrum analyzer around. In fact, it is one of the simplest in this rundown, without a lot of esoteric display settings and customizability options onboard. Nevertheless, it is a capable enough analyzer for the most part, and it should find plenty of use in any studio.

7. Voxengo SPAN

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Voxengo’s SPAN is something of a classic in the audio world, providing spectrum analysis capabilities equal to that of the best plug-ins. Remarkably, SPAN is free, which makes its professional features and capabilities even more impressive.

Even so, Voxengo saw fit to release an “extended” version of SPAN, dubbing it the SPAN Plus. Building on the already impressive features of its freeware predecessor, SPAN Plus added a static spectrum display option, PNG file export, and the ability to import and export spectrum data in real-time.

Specs and useful features

SPAN Plus has a new “mode” system that gives you the flexibility to set the display according to your preferences. This feature lets you view Fourier block size in samples, and lets you set the overlap percentage of the FFT window. You can also specify the visual slope of the spectrum, change how the secondary spectrum is displayed, and even smoothen out the spectral display as desired.

SPAN Plus makes it possible to perform a variety of analysis methods. You can compare the spectrums of different tracks at the same time, with unique colors for each channel.

User impressions

SPAN Plus especially impresses users with its ability to perform multi-track comparisons from a single window. The ability to compare EQ curves pre- and post-mastering on the same graph makes it a flexible and useful tool for mixing and mastering.

It is interesting to note that many users find the free SPAN to be just as capable as the SPAN Plus for their needs. But that is more a testament to the excellence of the free plug-in than it is a criticism of SPAN Plus.


SPAN Plus is an excellent spectrum analyzer plug-in in more ways than one. Admittedly, you could get pretty much the same features in the free version of SPAN. But if the ability to compare the spectrums of two different audio sources at the same time is important to you, SPAN Plus is a no-brainer.

Spectrum Analyzer VSTs

What is spectrum analysis?

In an audio and musical context, spectral analysis is the process of measuring the frequency content of audio signals. Using a function known as “Fourier transform”, audio is broken down into its component frequencies and displayed on a screen.

Spectrum analyzers–purpose and function

Spectrum analyzers essentially provide visual representations of sound. They measure the frequencies of audio signals and display the results in a graph in real-time. The horizontal axis represents the pitch/frequency of the audio, while the vertical axis represents the amplitude. Pitch/frequency is measured in Hertz, and amplitude is measured in decibels.

By providing a visual representation of audio, spectrum analyzers make it easier to identify specific areas of the frequency range that may cause problems in the mix later on. When used in conjunction with standard audio monitoring, spectrum analyzers can enhance efficiency during the mixing and mastering processes.

Essential features

The display is the most important part of a spectrum analyzer. This is where you can see the frequency content of your audio and how “hard” specific frequencies are hitting. You can then figure out which frequencies you will have to cut or boost to fix any problem.

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The best spectrum analyzers give you more specific details on frequencies and levels when you place your cursor at certain points on the display. Some plug-ins even allow you to zoom in for a more accurate view of the levels.

How to choose the best spectrum analyzer

/vcs3-vst-free.html. Accuracy is, of course, one of the most important aspects of a spectrum analyzer. You will want to pay particular attention to this quality when comparing the different spectrum analyzer plug-ins available.

You should also look into the option to set the FFT block size a few different ways. This feature allows you to view frequencies at different resolutions, which could help you identify problem areas in specific frequency ranges.

Vectorscope Vst Free Download

One important thing to keep in mind is that spectrum analyzers can not–and should not–take the place of proper monitoring via speakers or headphones. By all means, use spectrum analyzer plug-ins for an added perspective while mixing or mastering. But don’t forget that what ultimately matters is how the music sounds–not how it looks.