Best Free Vst Synths 2015

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Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Rating: 3,7/5 2417 reviews
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  2. Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Free
  3. Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Pro
  4. Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Download
  5. Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Crack
  6. Best Free Vst Synths

Synths are one of the most entertaining things to use on your tracks. They sound fantastic, and by using them, you can create ambient chimes, warm chord sounds, weird & psychedelic sounds, & much much stuff like that.

Archives of the best free VST plugins (virtual instruments) for download. UVI player,Synths Anthology,The Silkworm,Prodigious,PhadiZ,GTG unit 1. It comes with a well-sampled PCM wave data including a lot of sound of hardware workstations. Before you start LUXONIX – Purity VST free download, make. The 10 Best FREE VST Synths to Use – Forgive Me Lord, For I Have Synth! When it comes to VST synths, you can decide on whether you want to buy one, or you want to download one for free. Naturally, the best VST synths are really the one that you’re gonna have to buy. Recently I started messing around with software synths & VSTs. I still prefer hardware synths, (& I always will) but there are definitely some pretty cool softsynths. I chose what is in my. Here’s a compilation of all the articles about free VST plugins that try to emulate the most famous synths, plus links to the freeware plugins that are the only one to recreate a kind of machine (they didn’t get an article). Below is a list of best free VST emulations.

But the issue with analog synths is that they are expensive & too big. And that’s where synth plugins come in. All you’ve to do is load them in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), and you’re ready to rock.

In the past, it was impossible to imagine that so many quality tools used for mixing could be available at no cost. But now there are many free plugins available on the internet than ever before.

So, how can you know which free VSTs are worth installing? And which VST’s will suit you the most? We’ve got you covered! Here’s the list of the best 10 Free VST Synth Plugins available that sound fantastic!

So Let’s get started.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

Synth1 is one of the most used and most popular long time free choices for aspiring producers to create music with a plugin synthesizer. It’s a very decent synthesis powerhouse with lots of potential on one side, & also a bit of unexpected trouble missed opportunities.

The look of Synth1 is quite rough visually, but it’s a well-organized & functional plugin. Synth1 is resizeable up to 250%, and it’s perfect for modern high-resolution displays. You can also set the color of the text & the panel separately.

Synth1 updates are infrequent ( the last update was back in 2014 for Windows operating system, & it’s still called ‘beta’ today), but the Japanese author keeps adding GUI optimizations & charming new features.

Synth1 has got an astonishing abundance of presets. By searching on the internet, you can easily download tens of thousands of presets in organized preset packs. It’s worth skipping essential factory banks/presets & spent more of your time finding those little inspiring gems.


  • FM modulation, 2 Oscillators, Ring Modulation, Sync, Modulation Envelope.
  • 2 LFOs (synchronized with host).
  • Four types of filters, distortion.
  • Arpeggiator (synchronized with host).
  • Tempo delay (synchronized with host), stereo chorus/flanger.
  • 16 notes polyphony.
  • Legato mode, portamento.
  • 128 presets
  • Thoroughly optimized for light CPU load using SSE instructions, etc.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

The number 2 in our list of the best 10 VST synth is Arppe2600va. It’s based on ARP’s legendary semi-modular analog monosynth! This multi-functional softsynth sounds very close to the original ARP 2600. Like the original one, its mono synth (no polyphony).

But also like it’s the original version, it has got a multitude of Frequency Modulation options and by which you can create some awe-inspiring sound effects. /gm-vst-plugin.html.


  • It has PWM, Sample & Hold, Ring Modulation, virtual Spring Reverb, & a dedicated Noise Generator.
  • Filter Color (to adjust LowPass & HiPass filter types).
  • Oscillator Sync (Original Arp 2600 didn’t have Oscillator Sync and Filter Color).
  • You can get up to 12 patch routings with a very user-friendly (and visible!) drop-down menu interface.
  • Arppe2600 started with the version 2.0, but now Arppe2600va is purchasable via a cleverly designed Mod Matrix!
  • Instead of messy virtual of cables cluttering up the screen, All controls in the Arppe2600va are mapped to MIDI CC#’s, & you can override the default settings by using the MIDI Learn feature.
  • You can use it as a pure stand-alone synth (.exe file included), or you can also copy the DLL into your favorite DAW or sequencer’s plugin folder.


  • VSTi Format
  • Windows System



The SQ8L (L stands for Light) is a free demo version of the forthcoming SQ8X (X Ffor eXtended) version. It’s a software model of Ensoniq’s classic 1980s synth SQ80. SQ80 contains three digital wavetable oscillators for each of its eight voices fed through analog 4-pole lowpass filters (-24dB gain) with resonance. Sound parameters in SQ80 can be modulated by four envelopes, 3 LFQs & several MIDI sources.

SQ80 has also got a predecessor, and it’s the ESQ1, which can do almost the same things as SQ80. Although the technology may seem obsolete, these synths can gene ate a wide variety of extraordinarily usable & exciting sounds.

Because of the lo-fi oscillators & the analog components, it can sound very digital & dirty, but also, this synth is very analog & warm. And that’s very good because modern synths often lack to sound rather clean.


  • Polyphony limited to only eight voices.
  • Universal MIDI controllers (Pan, Master Volume,…), by default, do not affect & must be programmed as modulators.
  • LFO humanization not implemented.
  • No internal sequencer (and there will never be one).
  • No Split/Layer to combine several sounds.

The full version SQ8X will get the following additional features.


  • Combinations of up to 4 single sounds.
  • Adjustable polyphony (far more than eight voices).
  • New Filter algorithms with different modes such as bandpass, lowpass, highpass.
  • Improved GUI
  • Different routing modes for the filters: parallel, serial, split. & the second FILTER.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

The Noisemaker’s name speaks for itself; when it comes to making some noise, this VST can do lots of things for you. Its interface is accessible, clean & to the point & thick. And you will be able to get some beefy sounds from the get-go.

Noisemaker comes in both AU plugin & VST formats. It’s an improved version of TAL-Elek7ro & has an entirely new synth engine with lots of improvements in sound and usability. This synth also has a small effect section with a reverb chorus & a simple bit crusher effect.

You can see slider & Knob values on the display screen of Noisemaker. In this way, you will be able to control this synth more effectively. It also has a ring modulator & a syncable triangle. Some of its features are given below.


  • 3 Oscillators
    • Osc 1, +-24 semitones, fine-tune, phase control (saw pulse, noise).
    • Osc 2, +-24 semitones, fine-tune, phase control (saw pulse, rectangle, line, triangle).
    • Sub Osc (rectangle).
    • Osc 1 PM for pulse waveform.
    • Osc 2 FM controlled by Osc 1.
    • Osc 1 & Osc 2 sync to sub-OSC (pulse, saw, rectangle, triangle (bipolar sync))
  • Up to 6 voices/
  • Adjustable master tune & transpose.
  • Portamento in mono & poly mode (off, auto, on).
  • Ring mode modulates Osc 1 with Osc 2.
  • Filter ADSR (negative & positive).
  • Self resonating 4 X oversampled filters (24 dB LP, 18 dB LP, 12 dB LP, 6 dB LP, 12 dB LP, 12 dB LP, Notch).
  • Volume ADSR.
  • Routable ADSR, Modulates Filter, Osc 1, Osc 2, PW, FM (negative & positive).
  • Adjustable Velocity dependent control over volume filter contour & cutoff.
  • One pole HP filter.
  • Detune & detune notes randomly.
  • A built-in reverb.
  • Adjustable Pitch Wheel control over Cutoff & Pitch.
  • A built-in delay.
  • Adjustable filter drive.
  • Panic Button.
  • MIDI Learn for all knobs.
  • 256 Great Presets.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

Based on the most popular and one of the most used mono synth of all time! This fantastic and free softsynth sounds very close to the original Minimoog. Yet, it has tons of new features not present on the original Mini (as well as the Minimoog Voyager!).


  • It has got a 5-note polyphony.
  • Dedicated Release knobs for the two Contour Generators (envelopes).
  • Tuning of Osc 1.
  • Arpeggiator & 16-note Step Sequencer.
  • Excellent Tuning sliders for Osc2 & Osc3.
  • This fantastic VST has got aftertouch control.
  • Has an adjustable filter Velocity curve.
  • 3 Independent Overdrive sliders (one per oscillator).
  • Global Overdrive with hi & lowpass cutoff.
  • This VST has Oscillator Sync, Chorus, an independent LFO that includes oscillator drift & stereo panning, & has a fully programmable Digital Delay!
  • There is no dedicated Noise Generator as on the original Mini, However white & pink noise are selectable on Osc 3.
  • Like the original Mini, you can also turn Osc 3 into an LFO with dedicated modulation for the Osc Pitch & the Filter.
  • In this VST, all controls are mapped in MIDI CC#’s, and you can also override the default settings by using the all-important MIDI Learn Feature.
  • You can use it as a pure stand-alone synth (.exe file included), or you can also copy the DLL into your favorite DAW or sequencer’s plugin folder.


  • Windows System
  • VATi Format


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

Chimera is a popular noise-driven synth and a free VST synth by Majken. The sounds that Chimera generates are based on white noise filtered into notes by resonant bandpass filters. And as a result, we hear some organic sounds ranging from warm pads to atmospheres with wind & water elements.

This VST is a perfect pick, especially for ambient & chill-out. It’s a very smooth and beautiful sounding synth. It’s an experimental synth that uses subtractive Synthesis in a new way. White noise is sent through a series of few narrow bandpass filters, which are controlled by pitch.

The filtered noise of Chimera is used as resonant sinewaves to create atmosphere organs, pads, and percussive sounds. In simple words, everything we hear from Chimera is white noise filtered into music (in realtime). Some of the features of Chimera VST are as follows.


  • It has more than 50 included presets.
  • Has a unique synthesis method.
  • It’s built-in soft clipper distortion & has a 2-tap stereo delay.
  • It has got a wide range of modulation options with three envelopes & three LFOs.
  • This VST has freely assignable MIDI CC controls.
  • Chimera has cross-modulation with free routing.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

Crystal VST is a semi-modular software synthesizer featuring both frequency modulation (FM) synthesis & subtractive Synthesis. Some people think that crystal VST is no longer enjoyable, but actually, it’s still trendy. It’s like an old fart trying to survive in the harsh world of modern and popular soft synths.

Crystal VST is still alive with fantastic sound quality & flexibility, and it can beat any of its free rival or any commercial soft synths. The versatility of this VST synth made it popular among music producers & sound designers. And also, preset libraries are readily available on the internet.

Best Free Vst Synths 2019


  • This VST offers abundant modulation control over with over 90 parameters which may be multi-stage envelopes with graphical editors, modulated, great tempo sync of envelopes/Iforates/delay times, a band splitter for effects processing by frequency band, and built-in effects for flanging/chorus/comb/filtering/echoes.
  • Crystal VST also offers wave sequencing, granular synthesis, program morphing, imports sound fonts, MIDI learn. The musical applications for this ultimate crystal VST are boundless.


Synth Synth Wavetable

Chip32 is a kind of wavetable softsynth, created by Sam. This virtual synth VST produces old school electronical sounds & features a graphical wavetable editor. This synth responds to realtime midi control, & provides 8-bit wavetables for “Chiptune” sort of music.

In Chip32, there are an ADSR envelope, a bit crusher, and a primary filter. Some of the common waveshapes in Chip32 are sine, saw, triangle and square. To use this synth and its effects, you need to have a plugin host like Renoise, Studio, or others.

There are various synth parameters in Chip32. The first four parameters are the standard amplitude ADSR settings. In Chip32, the ‘B’ slider controls the bit depth (roughness). The ‘F’ slider in it is the filter setting that controls how often the wave is filtered. On the left side of the GUI, there’s a place where waveshape can be drawn.


  • Chip32 has an amazing Filter.
  • It’s an 8-bit/32-byte wavetable synth.
  • It has a Bitcrusher.
  • It supports MIDI CCs.


Synth Synth Hybrid

The ZynAddSubFX synthesizer project was the first time released nearly 15 years ago by Paul Nasca Octavia with lots of latest features. This synth has analog sound, robust modulation, and a complete set of built-in functions.

ZynAddSubFX is a beautifully designed, fully-featured open-source software synthesizer & its capable of making a countless number of instruments. It can generate all sorts of sounds you want to hear. It can produce some commonly heard sounds from expensive hardware to many other unusual sounds.


  • Polyphonic with support for mono playing modes & legato
  • Three synthesizer engines:
    1. Additive Synthesis for classic synth sounds composed of a variety of different voices with robust modulation. This exposes modulators ranging from LFOs & envelopes to oscillator modulators for PM, FM, & AM.
    2. PAD synthesis for creating beautiful pads & other instruments.
    3. Subtractive Synthesis for creating variable bandwidth harmonics from filtered white noise.
  • A variety of filters, including farming filters, analog modeled filters, & state-variable filters.
  • It has a powerful waveform generator with up to 128 sines/non-sine harmonics.
  • Envelopes in this synth can have ASDR (or ASR, etc.) modes or free modes (with any shape)
  • This VST synth has got effects for Reverb, Chorus/Flanger, Echo, Phasing, Wave-shaping, Equalizing, Dynamic Filtering with flexible signal routing.
  • In it, instruments can be organized in kits, which allows you to make drum kits or layered instruments; this will enable you to use more than one tool for a single part. It’s also possible to choose what the part’s effects should process items from the kit.
  • This synth has Random settings to create subtle differences in each sound to help create that familiar analog warmth.
  • It has Microtonal capabilities with any scale, up to 128 notes per octave, & critical mapping.
  • Has a built-in Virtual Keyboard which can be used even if you don’t have a physical midi keyboard.
  • Has extensive MIDI/Audio driver support, including ALSA, JACK, and
  • The graphical user interface in ZynAddSubFX can be completely disabled if the user needs to.
  • Plugin Support via DSSI/LV2/VST.
  • Session Management Support via LASH/NSM.
  • Over 1100 high-quality instruments included.


Synth Synth Analogue/Subtractive

Podolski is a very simple and CPU-efficient virtual analog synthesizer. It’s a cut down version of FilterscapeVA with only one oscillator, one envelope, one filter, and two LFOs. It also has a Zebra-style arpeggiator/sequencer, chorus & delay effects.

Some of the Podolski specialties are Click parameter & it’s the ability to morph between three waveforms seamlessly.

Podolski is one of the hidden gems of the freeware world. This synth was first-time released as a gift for the visitors of Musikmesse 2005, And since then, it’s distributed as one of the freebies on the cover of a CD of keyboard magazine until 2009.

This VST synth is extremely CPU friendly on modern-day computers. It was completely offline for a few years; it was re-released as a free download for everyone in 2012. The 2012 version of this VST came with a fully refurbished GUI & a collection of factory presets crafted beautifully by none other than Howard Scarr (a sound designer). Some of its features are given below.


  • Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), arpeggiator, mono sq2 and legato modes.
  • Four envelope modes: ASDR or HDSR, linear or exponential.
  • Oscillator with variable symmetry (sawtooth to the triangle, PWM) and glide.
  • It has a multimode filter: bandpass, lowpass or highpass with FM and drive.
  • Combination arpeggiator/ 16-step sequencer with other modulation sources.
  • It has over 520 factory presets.
  • Skinnable UI.


So those are the ten best free VST synths that you really should get. While these synths may not be the best things in life but my experience, I learned something from every piece of software.

Exploration & experimentation yield many rewards for the adventurous, & freeware can be a great start to your journey. If you are a big fan of video game music, sound design, or even electronic music, then you should try these synths.

As all these VST synths are entirely free, I recommend you try as many as possible, because each one might be a bit better at doing something in particular. You don’t need tons of expensive gear to make great game music.

The free synth has proved that there’s plenty of things you can do by using these tools by making music that sounds good at a low budget.

Whether you are looking for in-depth sound design tools, classic vintage tones, or you are just looking to choose an excellent synth to get started, then you can choose a free VST from the list above. Even if you have paid synths that get your work done, then it’ll still be wise to pick up at least a few of these free ones to experiment with.

Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Free

I hope this list was useful for you & if you feel that we’ve missed a good one, please let us know in the comment section below.

There is no doubt in my mind that bass, whilst often overlooked, is fundamentally one of the most important elements in music. The sheer power that comes from a strong low end, combined with the driving rhythm that it offers is why music makes you want to move. For this, you need a good bass VST. I challenge you to find a song that, with the bass completely removed, still comes across as a convincing and energetic piece of music. Seriously, drop a comment below as I’d love to hear it work!Bass is important and is often difficult to replicate in a convincing fashion when it comes to VSTs. Today’s article aims to guide you through a few of the many options that are out there. We will look into price range as well as quality whilst also assessing the various types of sounds you might want to have in your arsenal. For a long time, I stuck with the opinion that bass always had to come from a bass guitar, not a bass VST. Let me tell you, the more options you’ve got when it comes to making music, the better your music will be.

The Best Free Bass VST

Before I delve into some of the more pricey and intricate products available, it only seems fair that I offer you my best suggestion for freeware. 4Front Bass is what I believe to be the best free VST for bass available today. A combination of sampling and modelling, this bass VST offers what it says on the box. It might not be the most convincing of sounds and the plugin itself has literally no adjustable parameters. However, getting a relatively convincing bass sound from such a simple plugin is really amazing. If your current setup is lacking a real bass guitar sound, you absolutely want to grab this. At the end of the day, it’ll always be useful as a writing tool even if you move onto something else later on.

The Best Synth Bass VST

Now we move onto some of the best bass VST plugins you can get your hands on. I want to start with the synths and look at three different options, each offering something unique. Hopefully, this wide range of choice will appeal to every reader!

Dope Kitz Substation

Did somebody say 808 basses? If you’re in need of some speaker shaking 808s to shake things up then look no further than the Dope Kitz Substation. Coming in at a modest $49.99, this simple yet powerful bass VST is going to bring some serious power and rhythm to your music. With a variety of plugin preset tone types, each with adjustable volume, glide and ADSR, this powerhouse bass VST is a one-stop shop for all your 808 bass needs. My favourite thing about this plugin is that it gives you more control. With normal 808 bass samples, you’re pretty much stuck with what you get. Spending too long scrolling through 808 samples is boring and messy. With Substation, you can start with a tone that fits your track and then mould the shape into something that blends perfectly with your track.

Native Instruments Monark

So maybe 808s aren’t your thing. Perhaps you’re more interested in a strong, retro analog mono synth sound that you can manipulate to your heart’s content? Enter Monark. This iconic mono synth embodies raw power. Three adjustable oscillators with a dedicated filtering and amplification section, Monark captures the organic sound of analogue synths with ease. Whether you’re making dirty hip-hop, dancefloor filling house music or chart-topping, Daft Punk inspired pop-funk, Monark has you covered. You can seriously tinker with this thing for hours on end, building complex monophonic tones of epic proportions. At only around $115, it’s well worth the purchase.

Native Instruments Massive

Hands down one of my favourite synths of all time,

Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Pro

Massiveis not only the best bass VST but it’s genuinely one of the best VSTs for anything synth related. This marvellously complex polyphonic synth plugin is crammed with so many controls and variations, you could make a sound a day every year for the rest of your life without repeating your ideas. In fact, Massive is so meticulously designed that it’s actually possible to create evolving synth patches that never repeat themselves. For any of you who like to experiment, you could have some serious fun with this.Used by professional producers and engineers the world over, Massive truly is remarkable. You’re offered so many wave tones, each that can be processed and adjusted through their own oscillator. On top of this, you’ve got various filter types, effects, macro controls, voicing and sequencing controls which can all be used to affect each other. If you’ve ever seen those giant walls of modular synths that look insanely complex, this is basically a compact VST version. At only around $160, this could be the number one thing I recommend anyone invests in.

The Best VSTi Bass Libraries

So maybe you’re not a huge fan of synthesisers? Perhaps you want to keep things real and you’re looking for a way to get a true bass guitar tone without needing to learn to play one? This next list of my favourite Bass VSTi libraries will help you out there.

Native Instruments Scarbee Jay-Bass

Continuing my theme of fantastic Native Instruments products, I offer to you the Scarbee Jay-Bass. NI make a variety of Scarbee bass VSTi libraries for Kontakt but my favourite (and the one I think will appeal the most here on MasteringBox) is the Jay-Bass. A beautiful sounding jazz bass available in both a fingered and slap style, this is the best VST library for the hip-hop heads. It’s got that great funky tone reminiscent of 90’s sample-based music and blends into almost any track with very little work required. Equally, it sounds great layered but with a chunky synth sub-bass. The two combined can really help to fill out the low frequencies in anything from hip-hop to dance music. Coming in around $75, it’s the cheapest of the Scarbee libraries and a great introduction into the world of sampled bass. Just remember, you will need Kontakt player to make this work.

Orange Tree Samples Bass Guitars

I’ve been a fan of Orange Tree Samples for quite some time. You get tremendous quality for the cost and the time spent building these libraries is inspiring. I’m not going to focus on any one particular bass type that they offer as they are all great for their own particular specialities.

Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Download

The Rickenbaker model gives a mean mid-range as well as punchy low-end for those of you looking for some aggression in your mix. If you’re looking for more of a chilled out vibe, try out the cherry. Similar to the Jay-Bass mentioned before, this is going to be super smooth and funky. The Jaco is similar in style except that it models a fretless jazz bass. This means you can get some awesome slides and real technical playing going on that sounds like your in the studio with Nile Rodgers. Finally, there is the Pear. If you’re in need of an upright bass to complement your library, look no further. Remember that an upright bass VST is a totally different tone to an electric bass VST. It’s great to have choices!

Spectrasonics Trilian

Often regarded as THE BEST VST library for sampled bass, Trilian really is sonic gold. If money is no object and you’re looking for the ultimate bass tone with ultimate control then this is the one for you. Not only does Trilian model some of the most convincing real basses available, but it also offers fantastic quality synth bass. Over sixty different electric basses have been carefully recorded and modelled to provide unparalleled choice. On top of this, the variety of articulations that have been recorded and combined within the round-robin sample selection technology is insane. You can walk around your MIDI keyboard playing note after note like you were really sliding up and down the fretboard of a bass guitar. Truly awe-inspiring sound comes from geniuses at Spectrasonics and it’s worth every cent of it’s $299 price tag!


Bass is important. It makes up so much of all music and really helps to drive a sense of power and rhythm. Overlooking the quality and design of your bass VST could be your undoing. If you’re interested in synths and want to make some crazy, complex sounds, try out Native Instruments Monark or Massive. When you’re crazy for 808 basses, Substation is the best VST for you. If you’re interested in something a little more realistic, there are a few VSTi libraries you can check out. NIs Scarbee line is fantastic, particularly their Jay-Bass. Equally, anything from the team at Orange Tree Samples will provide great quality bass. If you’ve got the funds and you want the best, you’ll want to check out Trilian. With over sixty modelled electric basses, it’s all you’ll ever need!Previous

Best Free Vst Synths 2015 Crack

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Best Free Vst Synths

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