Beat Repeat Vst Free

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VST (Virtual Studio Technology) is a software plug-in format developed by Steinberg. These plug-ins generally come in one of three types: instruments, audio processors, or midi processors. They are among the most ubiquitous plug-in formats, and are what most people refer to when the term “software plug-in” is discussed. Drop-X is a very easy to use Drag & Drop Sampler plugin with Beat Repeat. The plugin can contain upto 3 layers of samples which are auto-mapped by pitch as soon as they are dropped in the sample window per layer.

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Kammerl Beat-Repeat mode

Note: This mode requires a clock signal plugged into the Trigger input. Without a clock signal, it holds the most recent slice (or outputs silence if no clock signal has been previously provided).

The Kammerl Beat-Repeat mode analyzes the incoming clock signal to enable real-time slicing of the audio input. It manages multiple slices in real-time which can be individually selected. Each slice can be played back with different loop, pitch and distortion settings.



Enables slice processing / beat-repeating. If not enabled, slice processing is randomly enabled based on the blend mode Slice Probability.

Loop Start:

Defines the beginning of the loop interval relative to the total slice duration. To support in-sync beat repetitions, it is quantized as follows: [0-1/64] free/unquantized, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1.

Loop Size:

Defines the size of the loop interval relative to the total slice duration as well as the loop mode (regular/alternating). To support in-sync beat repetitions, it is quantized as follows:
  • Regular from the left to 12 o'clock: [0-1/64] free/unquantized, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2
  • Alternating from 12 o'clock to the right: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, [1/64-0] free/unquantized


Defines the playback speed. The Kammerl Beat-Repeat mode does not time-correct the pitch changes (like a tape or record running at different speeds). This allows for interesting groove effects, since audio is delayed towards the end of the slice but reset at the slice beginning. To the very left, the knob defines a zero pitch, to the very right, the original playback speed. The pitch modulation is determined by the Pitch Mode knob.

Loop Size Modulation (Density Knob)

Enables a decreasing loop size towards the slice end. This enables a ping-pong bouncing ball effect: Tak tak tak taktak tatatatatttttttt

Texture CV

Selects one of the eight most recently recorded slices. 0V corresponds to the most recent slice (real-time / no delay!). Note that slices are continously created from audio input, independent from FREEZE or slice probability mode.

Slice Step (Texture Knob)

The Texture CV and the Slice Step control different slice selection parameters. The Texture CV directly selects one of the most recently recorded slices. In contrast, the Slice Step parameter selects individual iteration patterns to jump between slices during playback (which also incorporates the Texture CV slice selection by using it as an offset)
  • Disabled - Only Texture CV selects slices
  • Slice step 1 - Repeats current slice due to synced playback index
  • Slice step 2 - Skips every second slice
  • Slice step 3 - Skips two slices
  • Slice step 5 - Skips four slices
  • Slice step 6 - Skips five slices
  • Slice step 7 - Skips six slices
  • Random - Randomly selects slices

Blend Modes:

Slice Probability:

Defines the probability of disabling bypass and processing an incoming slice. Note that activating the FREEZE button overwrites this setting.

Clock Divider:

Selects a clock divider: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 which changes the slice lengths accordingly.

Pitch Mode:

Selects one of four pitch modulation modes (from left to right):
  • (left position) Fixed pitch - no modulation.
  • Fixed pitch - reverse playback.
  • Linearly decreasing pitch starting from the original pitch to the selected target pitch (Pitch Knob).
  • Linearly increasing pitch starting from the the selected target pitch (Pitch Knob) to the original pitch.
  • (right position) Simulated vinyl scratching - sinusoidal pitch modulation. The Pitch Knob defines the intensity.


Controls the contribution to Cloud's feedback path. Combined with lower pitch playback, this leads to *amazing* lazer gun effects on drums :)

Spectral Clouds mode

The Spectral Clouds mode creates cloud-like frequency spectras. It is a high-resolution multiband filter with randomly modulated frequency bands. The logarithmic divisions of the frequency spectrum result in a continuously morphing but musical sounding filter. This mode is inspired by this FFT Randomizer project.


Trigger input:

Randomizes the set of active frequency bands and defines their random attenuation intensity. Note that these trigger events can also be simulated with the second blend mode ('Probability of random filter changes').

Frequency band probability:

Defines the probability of a frequency band to become enabled. To the left all frequency bands are disabled. Check out the sweet spot where only a few frequency bands are active.

Frequency band division:

Controls the number of filter bands and their corresponding frequency width. To the left, the frequency spectrum is split into 4 filter bands and to the right into 128 filter bands. All frequency band divisions are applied in logarithmic scale to sound musical.


Beat Repeat Vst Free Download

Pitch shifting applied to the Spectral Clouds output.

Filter Smoothing:

Defines the smoothing intensity on the frequency band division as well as the filter band attenuation changes during 'trigger input' events. To the left, filter changes are applied immediately; to the right, the current filter configurations is hold.

Filter texture:

Defines the degree of phase randomization in the frequency domain. This affects mostly waveforms with transients.

Blend Modes:

Dry / wet balance:

Balance between input signal and Spectral Clouds output. Note that the warm distortion effect as well as Cloud's reverb is applied post dry / wet.

Probability of random filter changes:

Defines the chance of simulated 'Trigger input' events. To the left, simulated trigger events are disabled and random filter reconfigurations only happen during high trigger input gates.

Warm distortion:

It's back :) Adds a warm sounding distortion effect (applied post dry/wet).


Controls the contribution to Cloud's reverb (applied post dry/wet).

Videos / demos

A post shared by Richard Devine (@richarddevine) on

A post shared by Richard Devine (@richarddevine) on

/drum-set-vst-plugins.html. A post shared by Cliff (@cliffemu) on

0RGan1c January 2, 2015 ~70Mb

Hello All,
Its 0RGan1c.
Here is the Alpha 9 update for the FL plugins.
(alpha 9)
- rebuild using latest sources
I tested these. They came out as VST 32 bit. So i did vst to au then 32 lives to 64 bit. It MAY NOT WORK as 64 bit WITHOUT 32 lives. I did what i could.
For Harmless, Harmor, Ogun, Slicex, or Sytrus to work in 64 bit Logic X, you can force them to be accepted by AU manager. They fail, but they CAN be used and work.
These all appear under 'VST' instead of 'FL or Image-Line' as the company in Logic. Also appear under 'Incompatible'.

Instant and powerful ..
Gross beat is perfect for real-time or rendered gating, glitch, repeat, scratching and stutter performances. Gross Beat stores audio in a 2-bar rolling buffer under the control of 36 user definable time and volume envelopes, giving you unlimited creative control.
Live or automated performance
Gross Beat Time and Volume presets can be linked to a keyboard, pad controller or automation source for on-the-fly changes to the preset. Preset slots can be set to momentary (key-held), return to base (slot 1) or hold mode on a per-preset basis. Preset-change synchronization can be set from immediate through to 4 beats (1 bar).
Let our FL Studio Guru explain you how to automate Gross Beat using automation clips or the FL keyboard pianoroll.
Gating & volume effects
In addition to the gating possibilities afforded by the spline based envelope, Gross Beat is perfect for side-chain effects without the need to link to an audio source. Just select one of the ducking-style presets for instant side-chain pumping.Repeat
The TRON Legacy legacy ..

Free Beat Repeat Vst

Gross Beat can be heard on Daft Punk's Tron Legacy soundtrack playing a major part in the rhythmic structure. Why not experiment with the same presets as were used in the soundtrack: Click here to learn more.
Click the image at the left to see how our FL Studio Guru recreates the effects using Gross Beat.

Beat Repeat Vst Free Downloads

Key features:

Beat Repeat Vst Free Plugin

Powerful MIDI controlled envelopes
2 bar audio buffer
Real time effect, perfect for live performance
36 volume/gating envelopes with user-controlled smoothing
Linked or independent volume & gating slot operation
A large number of creative presets ready to go